Textile Talk: Wear Happy Color with Katie Kortman | March 6, 2025


Wear Happy Color: Your Guide to Wearing a Colorful Wardrobe
Thursday, March 6, 2025
6:00 - 7:00 pm

What was your favorite color as a child? Whatever it was, chances are you wore clothes and created art with colors that made you happy! Kids don’t worry if their favorite shade of blue, orange, pink, or yellow looks good on them. They don't care if it’s on trend or if two colors are supposed to "go together." In this talk, textile artist and fashion designer Katie Kortman will help you get back to a place of  joy and playfulness with your wardrobe through lessons in color theory. 

What’s included:

  • Lessons on color theory, including monochromatic color, analogous color, complementary color, split complementary color, and faux complementary color
  • Copy of the Wear Happy Color eBook

Space is limited to 18 guests.

Fringe Fabrics
3457 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, CA